Create probability density points from

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use strict;
use warnings;
require HTML::Tree;
require Statistics::Descriptive;
require Statistics::KernelEstimation;

use Getopt::Long;
my $num_bins = undef;
#my $bin_width = undef;
my $normalize = undef;
my $num_classes = undef;
my $flags = undef;
my $bandwidth = undef;
my $input_file = undef;
my $interp_val_dump_file = undef;
GetOptions( "bins=i"  => \$num_bins,
           # "window_size=f" => \$bin_width,
            "normalize=s" => \$normalize,
            "num_classes=i" => \$num_classes,
            "flags=i" => \$flags,
            "bandwidth=s" => \$bandwidth,
            "input_file=s" => \$input_file,
            "dump_interp_vals=s" => \$interp_val_dump_file );

print "Histogram will be created with number of bins: $num_bins\n" if( defined $num_bins );
#print "Window size : $bin_width\n" if( defined $bin_width );
print "Age scores will be normalized\n" if( defined $normalize );

my %results_hash;
my $min = -1;
my $max = -1;
my $interpolated_value;
my $predicted_class;
my $split_number;
my $normalized_distances;

if( !defined $input_file )
# Takes a wndchrm output html file as input.
# HTML file should have been procured as part of a wndchrm test operation
# where the operation derives interpolated values

# This code parses html output file, and counts how many images in the test set were
# sorted into the given bins.
  my $output_file = shift;

  print "Loading $output_file\n";
  my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file( $output_file );
  print "Done loading $output_file\n";

  my @table_elements = $tree->look_down("_tag", "TABLE", 
         if( defined $_[0]->attr("ID") ) {
           if( $_[0]->attr("ID") =~ /IndividualImages_split/ ) {
             # print "Got one!\n";
             return 1;
         # print "DON' GOT ONE!!\n";
         return 0;

  die "Couldn't find the test results table element in file $output_file\n" if( !@table_elements );
# print "Number of splits found: $#table_elements\n";

# step one: figure out the number of classes
  if( !defined $num_classes ) {
    my $class_structure_elem = $tree->look_down("_tag", "table");
    die "Couldn't derive number of classes from html file $output_file.\n" if( !$class_structure_elem );

#  print $class_structure_elem->as_text . "\n";

    my $first_row = $class_structure_elem->look_down("_tag", "tr"); #grab the first one it sees
    die "Couldn't derive number of classes from html file $output_file.\n" if( !$first_row );

# print $first_row->as_text . "\n";

    my @class_rows = $first_row->look_down("_tag", "td");
    $num_classes = $#class_rows - 1;
  print "Number of classes used: $num_classes\n";

  my @rows;
  my @row;
#  my %results_hash;
  my $val;
  my $img_link_element;
  my $fullpath;
  my $filename;
  my $actual_class;
  my $DEBUG1 = 0;

  #my $min = -1;
  #my $max = -1;
  my $image_column;

  foreach my $split_table_element (@table_elements)
    @rows = $split_table_element->look_down("_tag", "tr");

    # print "Parsing $output_file, " . $split_table_element->attr("ID") ."\n";
    if( $split_table_element->attr("ID") =~ /IndividualImages_split(\d+)/ ) {
      $split_number = $1;
    else {
      $split_number = -1;

    # Parse the first "Caption" row
    @row = $rows[0]->look_down("_tag", "td");
    my $caption_text = $row[$#row]->as_text;
    if( $caption_text =~ /Most similar image/ ) {
      $image_column = $#row - 1;
    } else {
      $image_column= $#row;
    if( defined $flags && $flags =~ /1/ ) {
# weird wndchrm report discrepancy, use second row when column headers don't match up.
      @row = $rows[1]->look_down("_tag", "td");
      $image_column= $#row;
    }  if( defined $flags && $flags =~ /2/ ) {
# weird wndchrm report discrepancy, use second row when column headers don't match up.
      @row = $rows[1]->look_down("_tag", "td");
      $image_column= $#row - 1;

    print "Image column is $image_column\n\n" if( $DEBUG1 );

# The first row is the heading row, so skip it by starting at 1 instead of 0
    for( my $i = 1; $i <= $#rows; $i++) {
      $val = 0;
      @row = ();
      $img_link_element = undef;
      @row = $rows[$i]->look_down("_tag","td");
      if( $DEBUG1 ) {
        foreach (@row) {
          print "  " . $_->as_text;
        print "\n";
      $img_link_element = $row[$image_column]->look_down( "_tag", "A" );
      $fullpath = $img_link_element->attr("HREF");
      if( $fullpath =~ /\S*\/(\S+)/ ) {
        $filename = $1;
#      print "\tFound file $filename\n";

        $normalized_distances = "";
        for( my $j = 3; $j <= ( 3 + $num_classes ); $j++ ) {
          $normalized_distances .= $row[$j]->as_text . "  ";
        $actual_class = $row[ $image_column - 4 ]->as_text;
        $predicted_class = $row[ $image_column - 3 ]->as_text;
        $interpolated_value = $row[ $image_column - 1 ]->as_text;
        if( $min == -1 ) {
          $min = $interpolated_value;
        $min = $interpolated_value if( $interpolated_value < $min );
        if( $max == -1 ) {
          $max = $interpolated_value;
        $max = $interpolated_value if( $interpolated_value > $max );
        print "\t\tactual: $actual_class, predicted: $predicted_class, interp val: $interpolated_value\n" if( $DEBUG1 );
        push @{ $results_hash{ $actual_class }->{ $filename } }, { "split_num" => $split_number, "val" => $interpolated_value, "class" => $predicted_class, "dists" => $normalized_distances };
# if input file is specified, we're skipping over the wndchrm html part and inputting
# marginal probabilities directly, in the form of some tab separated file
  open INPUT, $input_file;
  my $num_images_per_class = 180;
  # my $num_classes = 7;
  my $current_class;
  my $fake_filename;
  my @normalized_distances_ary;
  my @coeff_ary = (3.19, 5.53, 11.42, 13.01, 19.22, 21.40, 25.12);

  my $count = 0;
  while (<INPUT>)
    @normalized_distances_ary = ();
    $interpolated_value = 0;
    $current_class = "class" . int( $count / $num_images_per_class );
    $fake_filename = "image" . $count;
    @normalized_distances_ary = split /\s+/, $_;
    die "num classes ($num_classes) does not equal num distances ($#normalized_distances_ary)\n"
      if( $#normalized_distances_ary != $num_classes -1 );
    for( my $j = 0; $j <= $#normalized_distances_ary; $j++) {
      print "\t\tinterp val $interpolated_value +=  $normalized_distances_ary[$j] * $coeff_ary[$j]\n";
      $interpolated_value += $normalized_distances_ary[$j] * $coeff_ary[$j];

    print "$current_class $fake_filename interp val $interpolated_value\n";
    if( $min == -1 ) {
      $min = $interpolated_value;
    $min = $interpolated_value if( $interpolated_value < $min );
    if( $max == -1 ) {
      $max = $interpolated_value;
    $max = $interpolated_value if( $interpolated_value > $max );

    push @{ $results_hash{ $current_class }->{ $fake_filename} }, {
       "split_num" => 1, "dists" => $_, "val" => $interpolated_value, "predicted_class" => -1 };
  close INPUT;

my $range = $max - $min;
my @interp_vals;
my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new();
my $norm_stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new();
my $class_stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
my $ks_class_stat = Statistics::KernelEstimation->new();
my $report;
my $histogram;
my $PDF;
my $distribution_hash;

open( INTERP_VAL_DUMP_FILE, '>', $interp_val_dump_file ) if( defined $interp_val_dump_file );

#print "RESULTS:\n";
foreach my $class ( sort keys %results_hash ) {
	#print "\tClass \"$class\"\n";
  foreach my $file (keys %{ $results_hash{ $class } }) {
    @interp_vals = ();
    # print "\t\tFile \"$file\"\n";
    foreach my $hash_ref ( @{ $results_hash{ $class }->{ $file } } ) {
      $interpolated_value = $hash_ref->{ "val" };
      $stat->add_data( $interpolated_value );
      $norm_stat->add_data( ( $interpolated_value - $min ) / $range );
      $predicted_class = $hash_ref->{ "class" };
      $split_number = $hash_ref->{ "split_num" };
      $normalized_distances = $hash_ref->{ "dists" };
#      printf "\t\t\tsplit %2.d - predicted: $predicted_class, actual: $class. Normalized dists: ( $normalized_distances ) Interp val: $interpolated_value\n", $split_number;
    } # end iterating over each image's split result
#    printf "\t\t\t---> Tested %d times, mean %.3f, std dev %.3f. Normalized to [0,1]: mean: %.4f, std_dev: %.4f\n\n",
    $stat->count, $stat->mean, $stat->standard_deviation, $norm_stat->mean, $norm_stat->standard_deviation; 
    if( defined $normalize ) {
      $class_stat->add_data( $norm_stat->mean );
      $ks_class_stat->add_data( $norm_stat->mean );
      print INTERP_VAL_DUMP_FILE $class . "," . $norm_stat->mean . "\n" if( defined $interp_val_dump_file );
    } else {
      $class_stat->add_data( $stat->mean );
      $ks_class_stat->add_data( $stat->mean );
      print INTERP_VAL_DUMP_FILE $class . "," . $stat->mean . "\n" if( defined $interp_val_dump_file );
  } # end iterating over each image
  $report .= sprintf "Class $class: count= %3d, min=%.4f, max=%.4f, mean=%.4f, std dev=%.4f\n", 
               $class_stat->count, $class_stat->min, $class_stat->max, $class_stat->mean, $class_stat->standard_deviation;

  # Here is the old code which simply constructs a histogram
  if( defined $num_bins ) {
    $distribution_hash = $class_stat->frequency_distribution_ref($num_bins);
    $histogram .= "Class $class\n";
    foreach( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$distribution_hash ) {
      $histogram .= "$_\t$distribution_hash->{$_}\n";
    # End generation of histogram for this class
  else {
    # Begin new code generating PDF using kernal smoothing for this class
    print "\nClass $class\n";
    $PDF .= "\nClass $class\n";

    my $bw;
    my $obw;
    # always output default bandwidth, even if it's specified on command line
    $bw = $ks_class_stat->default_bandwidth();
    print "\tDefault bandwidth is $bw\n";
    if( defined $bandwidth && $bandwidth eq "optimal" ) {
      $obw = $ks_class_stat->optimal_bandwidth();
      print "\tOptimal bandwidth is $obw\n";

    my ( $class_min, $class_max ) = $ks_class_stat->extended_range();
    print "\tClass min: $class_min, Class max: $class_max\n";
    for( my $x=$class_min; $x<=$class_max; $x+=($class_max-$class_min)/100 ) {
      if( !defined $bandwidth ) {
        # use default
        $PDF .= $x . "\t" . $ks_class_stat->pdf( $x, $bw ) . "\n";
      } elsif( defined $bandwidth && $bandwidth eq "optimal" ) {
        $PDF .= $x . "\t" . $ks_class_stat->pdf( $x, $obw ) . "\n";
      } else {
        $PDF .= $x . "\t" . $ks_class_stat->pdf( $x, $bandwidth ) . "\n";
    # end generation of PDF using kernal smoothing for this class
  # reset statistical vehicles for the next class's data
  $distribution_hash = undef;
  my $ks_class_stat_ref = ref($ks_class_stat);
  undef $ks_class_stat;
  $ks_class_stat = new $ks_class_stat_ref;

} #end iterating over all classes
close INTERP_VAL_DUMP_FILE if( defined $interp_val_dump_file );

print "\nGlobal min val: $min, global max val: $max\n";
print "\n\n***********REPORT********\n\n" . $report . "\n";
if( defined $num_bins ) {
  print "\n\n**********PLOT THESE********\n\n" . $histogram . "\n\n\n";
} else {
  print "\n\n**********PLOT THESE********\n\n" . $PDF . "\n\n\n";