Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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  • Obtain an estimate for an unknown parameter theta using the data that we obtained from our sample.
  • Choose a value of theta that maximizes the likelihood of getting the data we observed.
  • Joint probability mass function: If the observations are independent you can just multiply the PDFs of the individual observations.
    • (General formulation)

Bernoulli Distribution

  • E.g., what is the estimate of mortality rate at a given hospital? Say each patient comes from a Bernoulli distribution
  • , where theta is unknown parameter, therefore using greek letter
  • for a single given person
  • using vector form (using bold for vector notation)
  • because they are independent
  • using what we know from Bernoulli distributions
    • "The probability of observing the actual data we collected, conditioned on the value of the parameter theta."
    • Concept of likelihood implies thinking about this density function as a function of theta
    • The two functions look the same, whereas above is a function of y, given theta. Here the likelihood is a function of theta, given y. It's no longer a probability distribution, but it's still a function for theta.
    • To estimate theta, choose the theta that gives us the largest value of the likelihood. It makes the data the most likely to occur for the particular data we observed.
    • Since logarithm is a monotonic function, if we maximize logarithm of the function, we also maximize the original function
    • Can drop "condition on y" notation here
    • Here we take derivative and set = 0.
    • The hat implies parameter estimate
  • Approx Ci for 95%

Exponential Distribution

  • Suppose we have samples from an exponential distribution with parameter lambda:
    • , assuming i.i.d.
  • Recall that the density is the product of