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  • wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()
  • The watch manager stores the watches and provides operations on watches.
  • dict_of_watch_descriptors = wm.add_watch( '/dir', event_flags)
    • sym links not followed
    • can also call with rec=True for recursive
    • dict_of_watch_descriptors = { keys: path; values: corresponding watch descriptors }
    • to look for new directories created, use arg auto_add=True and make sure to search with flag pyinotify.IN_CREATE


  • class myEventHandler( pyinotify.ProcessEvent ): ...
  • Fires off methods whose name follows convention def process_EVENT_TYPE( self, event ):
    • use "process_default" method as a catchall with the lowest precedence


  • notifier = pyinotify.Notifier( wm, instanceOfMyventHandler )
    • can also call with arg timeout=10 seconds if you don't want to block
  • notifier.loop() to start polling, will block until SIGINT is sent
    • can add as optional argument to loop( callback=somefunction )
  • Don't forget to call notifier.stop() when finished (e.g., in a finally block of a try-catch-finally block)
  • Coalesce multiple open-write-close events into one using notifier.coalesce_events() while using a notifier with a timeout


#!/usr/bin/env python

import pyinotify
import os
import stat

def ProcessFile( path ):
	print "Processing " + path

class onImageSavedToDisk( pyinotify.ProcessEvent ):
	def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE( self, event ):
		print "close-write: {0} raised a {1} event.".format( event.pathname, event.maskname )
		if os.stat( event.pathname )[ stat.ST_SIZE ] > 1:
			ProcessFile( event.pathname )

wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()

# create a notifier that checks the target directory every 5 seconds
handler = onImageSavedToDisk()
notifier = pyinotify.Notifier( wm, read_freq=5, default_proc_fun=handler )

# The reason why we only check every 5 seconds is that we coalesce 
# multiple open-write-close notifications 

wm.add_watch( '/home/colettace/tmp', pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE )# , rec=True, auto_add=True ) 
